The Little Things That Can Help Your Smile

Did you know there are little things you can do other than keep up with oral hygiene and your regular dental checkups that can help you have a strong and healthy smile? Well, it’s true. You should do these things so you can have the top-notch oral health you deserve. Our dentists,  Dr. Nhat Nguyen and Dr. Maria Sese, are... read more »

Tips on Caring for Your Smile During Hockey Season

If you play hockey, whether it’s in a city league, high school league, or competitive league, you need to care for your smile as you practice and play. This is very important because if you don’t, your smile can reap the consequences, especially because hockey is very high in contact. So, please take care of your smile as much as... read more »

How Do I Stop My Overeating Habits?

Are you one who tends to overeat, even when the holidays have come and gone? If so, you need to be careful. Overeating not only affects your physical health, but it also affects your smile. This is because overeating usually means your teeth are exposed to food for long periods of time. If the foods are sugary and acidic, the... read more »

How to Get Rid of Tooth Stains

Are you tired of your dull, yellow teeth? If so, you’re probably wondering how to remove your tooth stains and achieve a whiter and brighter smile. Well, our dentist, Dr. Maria Sese, is more than happy to help you by telling you how you can get rid of tooth stains and achieve your smile goals. The first thing you can... read more »

Keep Your Smile in Tip-Top Shape by Selecting the Proper Toothpaste

Did you know toothpaste is essential for an effective oral hygiene routine? Well, it’s true! That's why it’s important to select the best toothpaste for your teeth and gums to help you reach your smile goals. However, that might be a bit difficult because there are toothpaste brands that claim they are beneficial when they are not. So, to help... read more »